Saturday, April 4, 2009

Game Show!

So, one of my goals coming here was to try and get on a game show. I wrote every television station that I could find in Tokyo, which is quite a few, but never did I get a response other than an automated, "Thank you for leaving a massage."

Today was a good day though, as I was approached on the street by a game show crew. It was crazy. We were at a vending machine trying to purchase 500 ml Pepsi cans when a lady and a camera crew came up to us and wanted to know if we would help with a game show. Melissa didn't want to, but I knew I had to give it a try.

The gist of the game goes like this: a Japanese celebrity who was an actor (the guy with the bowl cut) was to try and use charades to explain to me that "something" in the "something" in 60 seconds Guess two words in 60 seconds - sounds easy. Wrong. The catch was that the actor had horrible English, which the hostess (girl with tie-die) was well aware of.

At first he said "A warrior in the air." So I said, "Superman." He said, "No, no, no. To infinity and beyond," while pointing in the air. "Oh Buzz Lightyear!," I exclaimed. "Okay, sounds like buzz, in the air." "Buzz Lightyear in the Sky?" "No, like Buzz." ...and the time was up. I was asked for my final answer, which was "Buzz Lightyear in the Sky." I was told by the hostess that I was actually really close. The answer was, "Bus in the Sky." Hopefully I can now bring laughter to generations of Japanese to come.

That was pretty much the highlight for the day. Oh, well that and buying a new Gundam Model. Woot. For todays pics click here.

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